#!/usr/bin/env python
# ******************************************************************************
# Copyright 2023 Brainchip Holdings Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ******************************************************************************
__all__ = ["calibrate", "calibration_required"]
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from copy import deepcopy
from keras.layers import (Conv2D, Conv2DTranspose, SeparableConv2D, DepthwiseConv2D, Dense, Dropout,
Reshape, Flatten, MaxPool2D, GlobalAvgPool2D)
from .transforms.insert_layer import insert_in_config
from .transforms.transforms_utils import get_layers_by_type
from .utils import apply_weights_to_model
from ..layers import (OutputQuantizer, OutputObserver, PaddedConv2D, DepthwiseConv2DTranspose,
Attention, BufferTempConv, DepthwiseBufferTempConv, StatefulRecurrent)
from ..tensors import FixedPoint, floor_log2
[docs]def calibration_required(model):
"""Checks if a model requires calibration.
If one of the 'OutputQuantizer' layers in the model has its range_max variable set to 1, it
requires calibration.
model (keras.Model): the model to check
bool: True if calibration is required, False otherwise.
calibrables = get_layers_by_type(model, OutputQuantizer)
for calibrable in calibrables:
# If the model has never been calibrated, all range_max of the OutputQuantizer objects
# will be set to 1.
if tf.reduce_all(calibrable.variables[0] == 1):
return True
# all calibrable objects are set
return False
def _get_calibration_model(model, qmodel):
"""Builds a calibration model with OutputObserver added between blocks.
model (keras.Model): input model
qmodel (keras.Model): quantized model
keras.Model, dict: the calibration ready model and dict mapping end of block layer names to
the name of their OutputObserver.
# Get model config to edit
config = deepcopy(model.get_config())
# Insert OutputObservers where OutputQuantizers are
end_of_blocks = {}
for layer in qmodel.layers:
if getattr(layer, 'out_quantizer', None):
# Build an observer and store it for future use
observer = OutputObserver(layer.out_quantizer.axis)
end_of_blocks[layer.name] = observer.name
# Insert observer in config
insert_in_config(model, layer.name, observer, config)
# Build the calibration model from the config
custom_objects = {"OutputObserver": OutputObserver}
calibration_model = model.from_config(config, custom_objects)
# Load original weights
variables_dict = {var.name: var for var in model.variables}
apply_weights_to_model(calibration_model, variables_dict, False)
return calibration_model, end_of_blocks
def _get_next_layer(layer, supported_layers, skippable_layers, reshape_ops):
""" Finds the layer following a target layer.
layer (keras.Layer): the layer of interest
supported_layers (list): layer types that will support equalization
skippable_layers (list): layer types that can be skipped
reshape_ops (list): list of reshape operation encountered as
[(input_shape,), (output_shape,)]
keras.Layer: the layer following the layer of interest if valid, None otherwise
# Limit support to single outbound
outbounds = layer.outbound_nodes
if len(outbounds) != 1:
return None
next_layer = outbounds[0].layer
# If the layer is supported, it is a valid candidate
if isinstance(next_layer, supported_layers):
return next_layer
# If the next layer can be skipped, recursively call the function
elif isinstance(next_layer, skippable_layers):
return _get_next_layer(next_layer, supported_layers, skippable_layers, reshape_ops)
# If the next layer is a Reshape or Flatten store the performed ops and continue (limit reshape
# ops to a single layer)
elif isinstance(next_layer, (Reshape, Flatten)) and len(reshape_ops) == 0:
reshape_ops.append([next_layer.input_shape[1:], next_layer.output_shape[1:]])
return _get_next_layer(next_layer, supported_layers, skippable_layers, reshape_ops)
# If next layer is not supported, alignment cannot happen
return None
def _set_and_equalize(qmodel, layer_name, range_max):
""" Set 'layer_name' output quantizer range_max to the ideal value.
The ideal range_max is computed from the maximum value the target layer OutputQuantizer's
can represent given it's bitwidth, and the float calibrated range_max.
The ratio between the calibrated value and the ideal value is stored in the OutputQuantizer and
will be applied when the scale_out operation happens. Equalization happens by dividing weights
of the next layer by the ratio to preserve global outputs.
qmodel (keras.Model): quantized keras model
layer_name (str): layer name where to set the range_max
range_max (tf.Tensor): the float calibrated range_max
# First set the calibrated range_max in the target OutputQuantizer
target_layer = qmodel.get_layer(layer_name)
# Skip Attention layers because they do not perform a scale out so rescaling rate cannot be
# applied
if isinstance(target_layer, Attention):
# Define layers that will support or can be skipped when equalizing
supported_layers = (Conv2D, PaddedConv2D, Conv2DTranspose, SeparableConv2D, DepthwiseConv2D,
Dense, DepthwiseConv2DTranspose, BufferTempConv, DepthwiseBufferTempConv)
skippable_layers = (Dropout, MaxPool2D, GlobalAvgPool2D)
# When quantized per-tensor, Reshaping layers can be skipped as the rescaling rate single value
# will be used during equalization on all weights values
if target_layer.out_quantizer.axis == 'per-tensor':
skippable_layers += (Reshape, Flatten)
# Retrieve next_layer: if there is no candidate layer following layer_name, equalization cannot
# happen
reshape_ops = []
next_layer = _get_next_layer(target_layer, supported_layers, skippable_layers, reshape_ops)
# For now cross layer equalization for (Dephwise)BufferTempConvLayers is possible only if their
# input is quantized per-tensor.
if next_layer is None or (isinstance(next_layer, (BufferTempConv, DepthwiseBufferTempConv))
and target_layer.out_quantizer.axis == 'per-axis'):
# Compute ideal range_max
bitwidth = target_layer.out_quantizer.bitwidth
frac_bits = bitwidth - floor_log2(range_max)
int_max = FixedPoint.int_max(bitwidth)
ideal_range_max = FixedPoint(int_max, bitwidth, frac_bits).to_float().numpy()
# Check that values are different
if np.all(ideal_range_max == range_max):
# Set ideal_range_max into the target OutputQuantizer
# range_max can be approximately 0 on some channels (eg. a ReLU where an input channel
# had all negative values). When that happens, range_max set on output quantizer
# (ideal_range_max) is exactly zero. In that case rescaling_rate is forced to 1
# so that cross-layer equalization does nothing.
if target_layer.out_quantizer.axis == 'per-axis':
range_max = range_max.numpy()
range_max[ideal_range_max == 0] = 1
ideal_range_max[ideal_range_max == 0] = 1
# Compute the rescaling rate
rescaling_rate = ideal_range_max / range_max
# Set rate in the target OutputQuantizer
# Divide weights of the next layer by the rescaling rate
next_weights = next_layer.get_weights()
new_weights = next_weights[0]
# Apply reshape ops
if reshape_ops:
# Supporting a single reshape ops
reshape_ops = reshape_ops[0]
# Check that last dimension is unchanged by the reshape ops, if that's not the case, the op
# needs to be undone on weights, eg. for Flatten: X*Y*C, F -> X, Y, C, F
if reshape_ops[0][-1] != reshape_ops[1][-1]:
F = (new_weights.shape[-1], )
new_weights = np.reshape(new_weights, reshape_ops[0] + F)
# Invert last two dimensions (input and output channels), eg. for flatten:
# X, Y, C, F -> X, Y, F, C
axes = list(range(0, len(new_weights.shape)))
assert len(axes) > 1
axes[-2], axes[-1] = axes[-1], axes[-2]
new_weights = np.transpose(new_weights, axes)
# Expand dims to allow broadcasting on the expected dimension
rescaling_rate = np.expand_dims(rescaling_rate, -1)
# Apply rescaling rate
new_weights /= rescaling_rate
# Undo reshape ops
if reshape_ops:
# Revert last dimensions swap, eg. for Flatten: X, Y, F, C -> X, Y, C, F
new_weights = np.transpose(new_weights, axes)
# Undo the reshape op on weights when last dimension is changed, eg. for Flatten:
# X, Y, C, F -> X*Y*C, F
if reshape_ops[0][-1] != reshape_ops[1][-1]:
F = (new_weights.shape[-1], )
new_weights = np.reshape(new_weights, reshape_ops[1] + F)
next_weights[0] = new_weights
def _warmup_calib(calibration_model, warmup_samples, end_of_blocks, batch_size):
""" Helper method to calibrate the buffer TENN models with warmpup period.
calibration_model (keras.Model): the calibration model.
warmup_samples (tf.Dataset, np.array or generator, optional): warmup samples.
end_of_blocks (dict): dict mapping end of block layer names to the name of their
batch_size (int): calibration batch size.
# Fill the fifos.
calibration_model.predict(x=warmup_samples, batch_size=batch_size)
# reset the range_max
for _, observer in end_of_blocks.items():
range_max = calibration_model.get_layer(observer).range_max
def _split_samples(samples, buffer_layers, batch_size):
"""Helper to split the samples into warmup and calibration samples for the TENN models
samples (np.array): samples.
buffer_layers (list: keras.Layers): the model (Depthwise)BufferTempConv layers
batch_size (int): calibration batch_size.
np.array, np.array, int: warmup samples, effective calibration samples and warmup
# Extract warmup_factor. The number of samples required to fill all model fifos.
warmup_factor = 0
for buf_layer in buffer_layers:
warmup_factor += buf_layer.kernel_size
if warmup_factor * batch_size > samples.shape[0]:
raise ValueError(f"Number of samples must be greater than {warmup_factor} * batch_size.")
# Extract warmup samples
warmup_samples = samples[:warmup_factor * batch_size]
# Extract calibration samples
calib_samples = samples[warmup_factor * batch_size:]
return warmup_samples, calib_samples, warmup_factor
[docs]def calibrate(model, qmodel, samples=None, num_samples=1024, batch_size=None, epochs=1):
"""Calibrates the model using the provided samples.
With TENN models only np.array samples are supported for calibration. Those should have
a temporally coherent data, which means that their expected shape is
[batch_size*Seq, dim_0,, ..., dim_n] for spatiotemporal TENNs where:
- batch_size is the same batch_size provided to the calibration.
- Seq is a dataset parameter that defines the temporally coherent data (eg number of frames
per video clips).
and [batch_size, (model.input_shape)] for recurrent TENNs.
When no samples are provided, random samples are generated.
model (keras.Model): the original model
qmodel (keras.Model): the quantized model to calibrate
samples (tf.Dataset, np.array or generator, optional): calibration samples. When no samples
are provided, random samples are generated. Defaults to None.
num_samples (int, optional): number of samples to use in the provided samples or number of
samples to generate. Defaults to 1024.
batch_size (int, optional): the batch size. Defaults to None.
epochs (int, optional): the number of epochs. Defaults to 1.
if not calibration_required(qmodel):
# Disable sumbsampling in StatefulRecurrent layers before building the calibration model
rec_layers = get_layers_by_type(model, StatefulRecurrent)
for ly in rec_layers:
ly.subsample_ratio = None
# Build a calibration model which is a float model with OutputObservers at locations where the
# quantized model has OutputQuantizers.
calibration_model, end_of_blocks = _get_calibration_model(model, qmodel)
if samples is None:
# Generate random samples
samples_shape = (num_samples, ) + qmodel.input_shape[1:]
# Handle image like samples (channels in [1, 3]) as uint8, recurrent TENNs as int16 and
# other as int8
if samples_shape[-1] in [1, 3]:
samples_type = np.uint8
elif len(rec_layers) > 0:
samples_type = np.int16
samples_type = np.int8
rng = np.random.default_rng()
iinfo = np.iinfo(samples_type)
samples = rng.integers(iinfo.min, iinfo.max, samples_shape, dtype=samples_type)
# Extract number of (Depthwise)BufferTempConv layers
buf_layers = get_layers_by_type(calibration_model, (BufferTempConv, DepthwiseBufferTempConv))
if buf_layers or rec_layers:
if not isinstance(samples, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError("TENN models calibration is only possible with np.array samples."
f" Received {type(samples)}. Please convert them to a compatible"
" format before the calibration. \n"
" Spatiotemporal expects the following shape:"
" [batch_size*Seq, dim_0,, ..., dim_n] where:"
" - batch_size is the same batch_size provided to the calibration."
" - Seq is a dataset parameter that defines the temporally coherent"
" data (eg number of frames per video clips). \n"
" Recurrent expects [batch_size, (model.input_shape)] array.")
if buf_layers:
# With ST TENN models, the number of samples is infered from the provided samples
num_samples = len(samples)
if batch_size is None:
raise ValueError("batch_size not specified. With spatiotemporal TENN models "
"batch_size must be given for the calibration, otherwise the "
"result is unpredictible. Refer to 'calibrate' function docstring "
"for more details.")
# The number of samples must be a multiple of the batch_size to prevent a reset of the
if num_samples % batch_size != 0:
raise ValueError("When calibrating spatiotemporal TENN, num_samples must be a "
f"multiple of batch_size, got num_samples={num_samples} and "
# Compute step value otherwise 'predict' will run until samples are exhausted (ie. indefinitely
# if samples is a dataset with repeat enabled)
if batch_size is None:
steps = num_samples
assert batch_size > 0, "The batch size should be strictly positive."
steps = np.ceil(num_samples / batch_size)
for i in range(epochs):
if rec_layers:
# Ensure graph execution
model_func = tf.function(calibration_model)
for i in range(samples.shape[1]):
model_func(np.expand_dims(samples[:, i], 1))
# Set default calib samples and number of steps
calib_samples = samples
calibration_steps = steps
# If the model is a buffer TENN, it normally requires a warmup period on the first epoch
# in order to calibrate it. For that purpose batch_size is mandatory.
if len(buf_layers) > 0 and batch_size and i == 0:
warmup_samples, calib_samples, warmup_steps = _split_samples(samples, buf_layers,
_warmup_calib(calibration_model, warmup_samples, end_of_blocks, batch_size)
calibration_steps = steps - warmup_steps
x=calib_samples, steps=calibration_steps, batch_size=batch_size)
# Update quantized model OutputQuantizers range_max using OutputObservers calibrated values
for eob, observer in end_of_blocks.items():
_set_and_equalize(qmodel, eob, calibration_model.get_layer(observer).range_max)