Getting started

The Akida MetaTF ML Tools can easily be installed using pip python installer (see Installation).

For beginners

MetaTF examples come with ready-to-use models for popular datasets.

Run the MNIST example below, then visit the Akida examples.

import numpy as np
from tensorflow.keras.utils import get_file
from tensorflow.keras.datasets import mnist

# Akida specific imports
from akida import Model

# Retrieve MNIST dataset
(train_set, train_label), (test_set, test_label) = mnist.load_data()

# Load pre-trained MNIST model
model_file = get_file("gxnor_mnist.fbz",
model = Model(model_file)

# Test the first image of the test set
sample_image = 0
image = test_set[sample_image]
labels = model.predict_classes(image.reshape(1,28,28,1))
assert labels[0] == test_label[sample_image]

For users familiar with deep-learning

The best place to start is the Model sequential API.

As in Keras, you can create models by plugging together neural layers.

Run the XOR example below, then visit the Akida examples.

import numpy as np
from akida import Model, InputData, FullyConnected

# Instantiate xor model
xor = Model()
layer_input = InputData(name="input", input_shape=(1, 1, 2))
layer_hidden = FullyConnected(name="hidden", units=2, weights_bits=1)
layer_output = FullyConnected(name="output", units=1, weights_bits=2)

# Display model structure and parameters

# Set weights for hidden layer: both neurons accumulate the inputs
h_weights = np.array([[[[1, 1], [1, 1]]]], dtype=np.int8)
layer_hidden.set_variable("weights", h_weights)
# Set thresholds for hidden layer:
# - first neuron spikes if any of the two inputs is 1 (thresh = 0)
# - second neuron spikes only if both inputs are 1 (thresh = 1)
h_thresholds = np.array([0,1], dtype=np.int32)
layer_hidden.set_variable("threshold", h_thresholds)

# Set weights for output layer: first hidden neuron minus second
o_weights = np.array([[[[1],[-1]]]], dtype=np.int8)
layer_output.set_variable("weights", o_weights)
# Set threshold for output layer: spike if neurons do not cancel each other
o_thresholds = np.array([0], dtype=np.int32)
layer_output.set_variable("threshold", o_thresholds)

# XOR model table
# +---+---+---------+
# | A | B | A XOR B |
# +---+---+---------+
# | 0 | 0 |    0    |
# +---+---+---------+
# | 0 | 1 |    1    |
# +---+---+---------+
# | 1 | 0 |    1    |
# +---+---+---------+
# | 1 | 1 |    0    |
# +---+---+---------+

# 0, 0 -> no spikes generated
# Not even evaluated since we don't have input spikes

# 0, 1 -> spikes
in_spikes = np.array([[[[0, 1]]]], dtype=np.uint8)
out_spikes = xor.forward(in_spikes)
assert (np.count_nonzero(out_spikes) == 1)

# 1, 0 -> spikes
in_spikes = np.array([[[[1, 0]]]], dtype=np.uint8)
out_spikes = xor.forward(in_spikes)
assert (np.count_nonzero(out_spikes) == 1)

# 1, 1 -> no spikes
in_spikes = np.array([[[[1, 1]]]], dtype=np.uint8)
out_spikes = xor.forward(in_spikes)
assert (np.count_nonzero(out_spikes) == 0)