#!/usr/bin/env python
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Tools to remove ZeroPadding2D layers from a model.
__all__ = ["remove_zeropadding2d"]
from copy import deepcopy
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import ZeroPadding2D, Conv2D, SeparableConv2D, DepthwiseConv2D
from .transforms_utils import get_layers, get_layer_index, get_layers_by_type, update_inbound
def _find_removable_zeropadding(model):
""" Retrieves ZeroPadding2D layers that can be removed.
This is limited to ZeroPadding2D layers that come before supported layer types and that perform
a 'same' padding.
model (keras.Model): a model
dict: map between a ZeroPadding2D and the layer that follows
map_zeropadding_next = {}
# Define layers that will support ZeroPadding removal
supported_layers = (Conv2D, SeparableConv2D, DepthwiseConv2D)
# Get all ZeroPadding2D layers present in the model
zeropaddings = get_layers_by_type(model, ZeroPadding2D)
# Sequential models must be built because a check must be done on shapes
if zeropaddings and isinstance(model, Sequential) and not model.built:
raise ValueError("This model has not yet been built.")
# Find the ones that can be removed
for zeropadding in zeropaddings:
# Limit support to single inbound/outbound
outbounds = zeropadding.outbound_nodes
if len(zeropadding.inbound_nodes) != 1 or len(outbounds) != 1:
# Check that the layer that follows is supported and has a 'valid' padding
following_layer = outbounds[0].layer
if not isinstance(following_layer, supported_layers) or following_layer.padding != 'valid':
# Check that the combination of ZeroPadding2D + following layer performs a 'same' padding:
# this is done by checking that next_layer.output_shape * strides = zeropadding.input_shape
out_spatial_dims = following_layer.output_shape[1:3]
stride = following_layer.strides
rectified_out_spatial_dims = tuple(dim * s for dim, s in zip(out_spatial_dims, stride))
if rectified_out_spatial_dims != zeropadding.input_shape[1:3]:
# At this point the ZeroPadding2D is a valid candidate
map_zeropadding_next[zeropadding] = following_layer
return map_zeropadding_next
def _get_zeropadding_less_model(model, map_zeropadding_next):
""" Edits the model configuration to remove ZeroPadding2D layers and rebuilds a model.
model (keras.Model): a model
map_zeropadding_next (dict): map between a ZeroPadding2D and the layer that follows
keras.Model: an updated model without ZeroPadding2D layers
# get_config documentation mentions that a copy should be made when planning to modify the
# config
config = deepcopy(model.get_config())
layers = config['layers']
for zeropadding, next_layer in map_zeropadding_next.items():
# Set padding='same' in the layer that follows a ZeroPadding that will be removed
next_index = get_layer_index(layers, next_layer.name)
layers[next_index]['config']['padding'] = 'same'
# For sequential model, the changes stop here: the ZeroPadding2D layers will simply be
# removed in the following step. For other models, the layers inbounds/outbounds must be
# rebuilt.
if isinstance(model, Sequential):
# Retrieve the ZeroPadding2D input layer, assuming it has only 1 inbound
zeropadding_index = get_layer_index(layers, zeropadding.name)
# tfmot code: 'inbound_nodes' is a nested list where first element is the inbound layername,
# e.g: [[['conv1', 0, 0, {} ]]]
updated_inbound = layers[zeropadding_index]['inbound_nodes'][0][0][0]
# Update ZeroPadding2D outbounds layers: their current inbound is the ZeroPadding2D layer
# that will be removed so it must be replaced with the ZeroPadding2D previous layer. This
# results in by-passing the ZeroPadding2D layer: inbound > ZeroPadding2D > outbounds becomes
# inbound > outbounds.
update_inbound(layers[next_index], zeropadding.name, updated_inbound)
# Remove ZeroPadding2D layers
layers_to_remove = get_layers(config, [zp.name for zp in map_zeropadding_next.keys()])
for layer_to_remove in layers_to_remove:
# Reconstruct model from the config, using the cloned layers
return model.from_config(config)
[docs]def remove_zeropadding2d(model):
""" Removes ZeroPadding2D layers from a model.
ZeroPadding2D layers will not be supported by quantization so this transform adds support so
that when the ZeroPadding2D layers are immediately followed by a convolution layer with 'valid'
padding, they are removed and the following convolution is updated with a 'same' padding
instead. This can however only happen when the padding specified in ZeroPadding2D actually
corresponds to a 'same' padding.
model (keras.Model): the model to update
keras.Model: the original model or a new model with ZeroPadding2D removed
# Find ZeroPadding2D and following layer pairs that are candidates for removal
map_zeropadding_next = _find_removable_zeropadding(model)
# When there are no valid candidates, return the original model
if not map_zeropadding_next:
return model
# Rebuild a model without ZeroPadding2D by editing the configuration
updated_model = _get_zeropadding_less_model(model, map_zeropadding_next)
# Restore model weights
return updated_model