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Layers blocks definitions.
from functools import partial
from keras.layers import (BatchNormalization, ReLU, Conv2D, SeparableConv2D, Dense, MaxPool2D,
AvgPool2D, GlobalAvgPool2D, LayerNormalization, Dropout, Add,
Conv2DTranspose, Reshape)
from keras.activations import swish
from keras.initializers import TruncatedNormal
from tensorflow_addons.layers import GELU, GroupNormalization
from quantizeml.layers import (Attention, LayerMadNormalization, SeparableConv2DTranspose,
def _add_pooling_layer(x, pooling_type, pool_size, padding, layer_base_name):
"""Add a pooling layer in the graph.
From an input tensor 'x', the function returns the output tensor after
a pooling layer defined by 'pooling_type'.
x (tf.Tensor): the input tensor
pooling_type (str): type of pooling among the following: 'max',
'avg' or 'global_avg'.
pool_size (int or tuple of 2 integers): factors by which to
downscale (vertical, horizontal). (2, 2) will halve the input in
both spatial dimension. If only one integer is specified, the same
window length will be used for both dimensions.
padding (str): one of "valid" or "same" (case-insensitive).
layer_base_name (str): base name for the pooling layer.
tf.Tensor: an output tensor after pooling
if pooling_type == 'max':
return MaxPool2D(pool_size=pool_size,
name=layer_base_name + '/maxpool')(x)
if pooling_type == 'avg':
return AvgPool2D(pool_size=pool_size,
name=layer_base_name + '/avgpool')(x)
if pooling_type == 'global_avg':
return GlobalAvgPool2D(name=layer_base_name + '/global_avg')(x)
raise ValueError("'pooling_type' argument must be 'max', 'avg' or 'global_avg'.")
[docs]def conv_block(inputs,
pool_size=(2, 2),
"""Adds a convolutional layer with optional layers in the following order:
max pooling, batch normalization, activation.
inputs (tf.Tensor): input tensor of shape `(rows, cols, channels)`
filters (int): the dimensionality of the output space
(i.e. the number of output filters in the convolution).
kernel_size (int or tuple of 2 integers): specifying the
height and width of the 2D convolution kernel.
Can be a single integer to specify the same value for
all spatial dimensions.
pooling (str): add a pooling layer of type 'pooling' among the
values 'max', 'avg', 'global_max' or 'global_avg', with pooling
size set to pool_size. If 'None', no pooling will be added.
pool_size (int or tuple of 2 integers): factors by which to
downscale (vertical, horizontal). (2, 2) will halve the input in
both spatial dimension. If only one integer is specified, the same
window length will be used for both dimensions.
add_batchnorm (bool): add a BatchNormalization layer
add_activation (bool): add a ReLU layer
**kwargs: arguments passed to the keras.Conv2D layer, such as
strides, padding, use_bias, weight_regularizer, etc.
tf.Tensor: output tensor of conv2D block.
if 'activation' in kwargs and kwargs['activation']:
raise ValueError("Keyword argument 'activation' in conv_block must be None.")
if 'dilation_rate' in kwargs and kwargs['dilation_rate'] not in [1, [1, 1], (1, 1)]:
raise ValueError("Keyword argument 'dilation_rate' is not supported in conv_block.")
conv_layer = Conv2D(filters, kernel_size, **kwargs)
x = conv_layer(inputs)
if pooling:
x = _add_pooling_layer(x, pooling, pool_size, conv_layer.padding,
if add_batchnorm:
x = BatchNormalization(name=conv_layer.name + '/BN')(x)
if add_activation:
x = ReLU(6.0, name=conv_layer.name + '/relu')(x)
return x
[docs]def separable_conv_block(inputs,
pool_size=(2, 2),
"""Adds a separable convolutional layer with optional layers in the
following order: global average pooling, max pooling, batch normalization,
inputs (tf.Tensor): input tensor of shape `(height, width, channels)`
filters (int): the dimensionality of the output space
(i.e. the number of output filters in the pointwise convolution).
kernel_size (int or tuple of 2 integers): specifying the
height and width of the 2D convolution window. Can be a single
integer to specify the same value for all spatial dimensions.
pooling (str): add a pooling layer of type 'pooling' among the
values 'max', 'avg', 'global_max' or 'global_avg', with pooling
size set to pool_size. If 'None', no pooling will be added.
pool_size (int or tuple of 2 integers): factors by which to
downscale (vertical, horizontal). (2, 2) will halve the input in
both spatial dimension. If only one integer is specified, the same
window length will be used for both dimensions.
add_batchnorm (bool): add a BatchNormalization layer
add_activation (bool): add a ReLU layer
**kwargs: arguments passed to the keras.SeparableConv2D layer,
such as strides, padding, use_bias, etc.
tf.Tensor: output tensor of separable conv block.
if 'activation' in kwargs and kwargs['activation']:
raise ValueError("Keyword argument 'activation' in separable_conv_block must be None.")
if 'dilation_rate' in kwargs and kwargs['dilation_rate'] not in [1, [1, 1], (1, 1)]:
raise ValueError("Keyword argument 'dilation_rate' is not supported in "
if 'depth_multiplier' in kwargs and kwargs['depth_multiplier'] != 1:
raise ValueError("Keyword argument 'depth_multiplier' is not "
"supported in separable_conv_block.")
sep_conv_layer = SeparableConv2D(filters, kernel_size, **kwargs)
x = sep_conv_layer(inputs)
if pooling:
x = _add_pooling_layer(x, pooling, pool_size, sep_conv_layer.padding,
if add_batchnorm:
x = BatchNormalization(name=sep_conv_layer.name + '/BN')(x)
if add_activation:
x = ReLU(6.0, name=sep_conv_layer.name + '/relu')(x)
return x
[docs]def dense_block(inputs,
"""Adds a dense layer with optional layers in the following order:
batch normalization, activation.
inputs (tf.Tensor): Input tensor of shape `(rows, cols, channels)`
units (int): dimensionality of the output space
add_batchnorm (bool): add a BatchNormalization layer
add_activation (bool): add a ReLU layer
**kwargs: arguments passed to the Dense layer, such as
use_bias, kernel_initializer, weight_regularizer, etc.
tf.Tensor: output tensor of the dense block.
if 'activation' in kwargs and kwargs['activation']:
raise ValueError("Keyword argument 'activation' in dense_block must be None.")
dense_layer = Dense(units, **kwargs)
x = dense_layer(inputs)
if add_batchnorm:
x = BatchNormalization(name=dense_layer.name + '/BN')(x)
if add_activation:
x = ReLU(6.0, name=dense_layer.name + '/relu')(x)
return x
def act_to_layer(act, **kwargs):
""" Get activation layer from string.
This is needed because one cannot serialize a class in layer.get_config, the string is thus
serialized instead.
act (str): string that values in ['GeLU', 'ReLUx', 'swish'] and that allows to choose from
GeLU, ReLUx or swish activation inside MLP.
keras.layers: the activation layer class
if act == 'GeLU':
act_funct = GELU(**kwargs)
elif 'ReLU' in act:
if act == 'ReLU':
max_value = None
max_value = float(act[4:])
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("ReLU must be in the form 'ReLUx', where x is the max-value")
act_funct = ReLU(max_value=max_value, **kwargs)
elif act == 'swish':
act_funct = swish
raise NotImplementedError(
f"act should be in ['GeLU', 'ReLUx', 'swish'] but received {act}.")
return act_funct
def norm_to_layer(norm):
""" Get normalization layer from string.
This is needed because one cannot serialize a class in layer.get_config, the string is thus
serialized instead.
norm (str): string that values in ['LN', 'GN1', 'BN', 'LMN'] and that allows to choose from
LayerNormalization, GroupNormalization(groups=1, ...), BatchNormalization or
LayerMadNormalization layers respectively in the model.
keras.layers: the normalization layer class
if norm == 'LN':
norm_funct = LayerNormalization
elif norm == 'GN1':
norm_funct = partial(GroupNormalization, groups=1)
elif norm == 'BN':
norm_funct = BatchNormalization
elif norm == 'LMN':
norm_funct = LayerMadNormalization
raise NotImplementedError("norm should be in ['LN', 'GN1', 'BN', 'LMN']"
f" but received {norm}.")
return norm_funct
def mlp_block(inputs, mlp_dim, dropout, name, mlp_act="GeLU"):
""" MLP block definition.
inputs (tf.Tensor): inputs
mlp_dim (int): number of units in the first dense layer
dropout (float): dropout rate
name (str): used as a base name for the layers in the block
mlp_act (str, optional): string that values in ['GeLU', 'ReLUx', 'swish'] and that allows to
choose from GeLU, ReLUx or swish activation. Defaults to "GeLU".
tf.Tensor: MLP block outputs
initializer = {
"kernel_initializer": TruncatedNormal(stddev=0.02),
"bias_initializer": "zeros",
x = Dense(
x = act_to_layer(mlp_act, name=f"{name}/activation")(x)
x = Dropout(dropout)(x)
x = Dense(
outputs = Dropout(dropout)(x)
return outputs
def multi_head_attention(x, num_heads, hidden_size, name, softmax="softmax"):
"""Multi-head attention block definition.
x (tf.Tensor): inputs
num_heads (int): the number of attention heads
hidden_size (int): query, key and value dense layers representation size (units)
name (str): used as a base name for the layers in the block
softmax (str, optional): string with values in ['softmax', 'softmax2'] that allows to choose
between softmax and softmax2 activation. Defaults to 'softmax'.
ValueError: if hidden_size is not a multiple of num_heads
(tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor): block outputs and attention softmaxed scores
if hidden_size % num_heads != 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Embedding dimension = {hidden_size} should be divisible "
f"by number of heads = {num_heads}"
initializer = {
"kernel_initializer": TruncatedNormal(stddev=0.02),
"bias_initializer": "zeros",
query = Dense(hidden_size, name=f"{name}/query", **initializer)(x)
key = Dense(hidden_size, name=f"{name}/key", **initializer)(x)
value = Dense(hidden_size, name=f"{name}/value", **initializer)(x)
attention, weights = Attention(num_heads=num_heads, softmax=softmax,
name=f"{name}/attention")([query, key, value])
output = Dense(hidden_size, name=f"{name}/out", **initializer)(attention)
return output, weights
def transformer_block(inputs, num_heads, hidden_size, mlp_dim, dropout, name,
norm='LN', softmax='softmax', mlp_act="GeLU"):
"""Transformer block definition.
inputs (tf.Tensor): inputs
num_heads (int): the number of attention heads
hidden_size (int): multi-head attention block internal size
mlp_dim (int): MLP block internal size
dropout (float): dropout rate
name (str): used as a base name for the layers in the block
norm (str, optional): string that values in ['LN', 'GN1', 'BN', 'LMN'] and that allows to
choose from LayerNormalization, GroupNormalization(groups=1, ...), BatchNormalization
or LayerMadNormalization layers respectively in the block. Defaults to 'LN'.
softmax (str, optional): string with values in ['softmax', 'softmax2'] that allows to choose
between softmax and softmax2 activation in attention. Defaults to 'softmax'.
mlp_act (str, optional): string that values in ['GeLU', 'ReLUx', 'swish'] and that allows to
choose from GeLU, ReLUx or swish activation in the MLP block. Defaults to "GeLU".
(tf.Tensor, (tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor)): block outputs and (attention softmaxed scores, the
normalized sum of inputs and attention outputs)
x = norm_to_layer(norm)(epsilon=1e-6, name=f"{name}/LayerNorm_0")(inputs)
x, weights = multi_head_attention(x,
x = Dropout(dropout)(x)
x_norm2 = Add(name=f"{name}/add_1")([x, inputs])
y = norm_to_layer(norm)(epsilon=1e-6, name=f"{name}/LayerNorm_2")(x_norm2)
y = mlp_block(y, mlp_dim, dropout, f"{name}/MlpBlock", mlp_act)
outputs = Add(name=f"{name}/add_2")([x_norm2, y])
return outputs, (weights, x_norm2)
def conv_transpose_block(inputs,
"""Adds a transposed convolutional layer with optional layers in the following order:
batch normalization, activation.
inputs (tf.Tensor): input tensor of shape `(rows, cols, channels)`
filters (int): the dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of output filters in
the convolution).
kernel_size (int or tuple of 2 integers): specifying the height and width of the 2D
convolution kernel. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial
add_batchnorm (bool, optional): add a BatchNormalization layer. Defaults to False.
add_activation (bool, optional): add a ReLU8 layer. Defaults to True.
**kwargs: arguments passed to the keras.Conv2DTranspose layer, such as strides, padding,
use_bias, weight_regularizer, etc.
tf.Tensor: output tensor of transposed convolution block.
if 'activation' in kwargs and kwargs['activation']:
raise ValueError("Keyword argument 'activation' in conv_transpose_block must be None.")
if 'dilation_rate' in kwargs and kwargs['dilation_rate'] not in [1, [1, 1], (1, 1)]:
raise ValueError("Keyword argument 'dilation_rate' is not supported in "
conv_trans_layer = Conv2DTranspose(filters, kernel_size, **kwargs)
x = conv_trans_layer(inputs)
if add_batchnorm:
x = BatchNormalization(name=conv_trans_layer.name + '/BN')(x)
if add_activation:
x = ReLU(8.0, name=conv_trans_layer.name + '/relu')(x)
return x
def sepconv_transpose_block(inputs,
"""Adds a transposed separable convolutional layer with optional layers in the following order:
batch normalization, activation.
inputs (tf.Tensor): input tensor of shape `(rows, cols, channels)`
filters (int): the dimensionality of the output space (i.e. the number of output filters in
the pointwise convolution).
kernel_size (int or tuple of 2 integers): specifying the height and width of the 2D
convolution kernel. Can be a single integer to specify the same value for all spatial
add_batchnorm (bool, optional): add a BatchNormalization layer. Defaults to False.
add_activation (bool, optional): add a ReLU8 layer. Defaults to True.
**kwargs: arguments passed to the SeparableConv2DTranspose layer, such as strides, padding,
use_bias, weight_regularizer, etc.
tf.Tensor: output tensor of transposed separable convolution block.
if 'activation' in kwargs and kwargs['activation']:
raise ValueError("Keyword argument 'activation' in separable_conv_block must be None.")
if 'dilation_rate' in kwargs and kwargs['dilation_rate'] not in [1, [1, 1], (1, 1)]:
raise ValueError("Keyword argument 'dilation_rate' is not supported in "
if 'depth_multiplier' in kwargs and kwargs['depth_multiplier'] != 1:
raise ValueError("Keyword argument 'depth_multiplier' is not "
"supported in separable_conv_block.")
sepconv_trans_layer = SeparableConv2DTranspose(filters, kernel_size, **kwargs)
x = sepconv_trans_layer(inputs)
if add_batchnorm:
x = BatchNormalization(name=sepconv_trans_layer.name + '/BN')(x)
if add_activation:
x = ReLU(8.0, name=sepconv_trans_layer.name + '/relu')(x)
return x
def yolo_head_block(x, num_boxes, classes, filters=1024):
"""Adds the `YOLOv2 detection head <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1612.08242.pdf>`_, at the output
of a model.
x (:obj:`tf.Tensor`): input tensor of shape `(rows, cols, channels)`.
num_boxes (int): number of boxes.
classes (int): number of classes.
filters (int, optional): number of filters in hidden layers. Defaults to 1024.
:obj:`tf.Tensor`: output tensor of yolo detection head block.
This block replaces conv layers by separable_conv, to decrease the amount of parameters.
x = separable_conv_block(x, filters=filters, name='1conv',
kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', use_bias=False,
add_activation=True, add_batchnorm=True)
x = separable_conv_block(x, filters=filters, name='2conv',
kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', use_bias=False,
add_activation=True, add_batchnorm=True)
x = separable_conv_block(x, filters=filters, name='3conv',
kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', use_bias=False,
add_activation=True, add_batchnorm=True)
x = separable_conv_block(x, filters=(num_boxes * (4 + 1 + classes)), name='detection_layer',
kernel_size=(3, 3), padding='same', use_bias=True,
add_activation=False, add_batchnorm=False)
return x
def vit_extract_feature_map(y, feat_shape, num_non_patch=1):
"""Add a ExtractToken + Reshape layers to convert the plain ViT output into a feature map.
All tokens will be extracted except those considered as class tokens (``num_non_patch``)
y (:obj:`tf.Tensor`): output of ViT classifier model.
feat_shape (tuple of int): height/width desired output size
num_non_patch (int, optional): number of non-patch tokens to exclude on the final output.
Defaults to 1.
:obj:`keras.Model`: ViT with new layers
y = ExtractToken(name="extract_features", token=list(range(num_non_patch, y.shape[1])))(y)
y = Reshape(target_shape=(*feat_shape, y.shape[-1]), name="features")(y)
return y