Source code for quantizeml.models.transforms.align_rescaling

#!/usr/bin/env python
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Rescaling transformation for quantized models.

__all__ = ["align_rescaling"]

import numpy as np

from copy import deepcopy
from keras.layers import Rescaling, Conv2D, Dense

from .transforms_utils import get_layers_by_type, get_layers
from ..utils import apply_weights_to_model
from ...layers.convolution import PaddedConv2D

def _find_rescaling_fold_target(rescaling):
    """ Find the folding target and check limitations.

        rescaling (keras.layers.Layer): the rescaling layer

        keras.layers.Layer: the layer that follows the Rescaling if a valid candidate, None
    # Define layers that can accept Rescaling alignment
    supported_dst_layers = [Conv2D, Dense]

    scale_per_axis = isinstance(rescaling.scale, (list, tuple)) and len(rescaling.scale) > 1
    if not scale_per_axis and rescaling.offset == 0:
        # Rescaling is already aligned: nothing to do
        return None
    # Alignment is limited to single outbound node Rescaling layers
    if len(rescaling.outbound_nodes) != 1:
        raise ValueError("Found a non-aligned Rescaling layer in the model with multiple outbounds "
                         "which is not supported.")
    # Retrieve the destination layer and check its type
    dst_layer = rescaling.outbound_nodes[0].layer
    if type(dst_layer) not in supported_dst_layers:
        raise ValueError(f"Layer type {type(dst_layer)} after Rescaling not supported, must be in "
    # When destination layer is a Conv2D with padding 'same', reject:
    #   - offsets defined per axis,
    #   - scales defined per axis when offset is not null.
    # Otherwise it would require a padding value per-axis which is not supported.
    same_conv2d = (isinstance(dst_layer, Conv2D)
                   and dst_layer.get_config()['padding'].lower() == 'same')
    offset_per_axis = isinstance(rescaling.offset, (list, tuple)) and len(rescaling.offset) > 1
    if same_conv2d and (offset_per_axis or rescaling.offset != 0 and scale_per_axis):
        raise NotImplementedError("Folding an offset per-axis or with a scale per-axis into a "
                                  "Conv2D with 'same' padding is not supported.")
    return dst_layer

def _fold_rescaling(model, offset, dst_layer):
    """ Folds the rescaling offset into next layer.

        model (keras.Model): the original model
        offset (float, list, tuple): the offset to fold
        dst_layer (keras.layer): the layer where offset will be folded

        keras.Model: the updated model
    # Copy configuration before applying modifications
    config = deepcopy(model.get_config())
    # Fold rescaling by editing the model configuration
    dst_config = get_layers(config, [])[0]
    # Force bias
    dst_config['config']['use_bias'] = True
    # Replace Conv2D with 'same' padding by PaddedConv2D with correct padding value
    if isinstance(dst_layer, Conv2D) and dst_layer.padding.lower() == 'same':
        # Offset has a single value at this point
        if isinstance(offset, (list, tuple)):
            offset = offset[0]
        dst_config['config']['padding_value'] = float(-offset)
        dst_config['class_name'] = 'PaddedConv2D'

    # Reconstruct model from the config
    aligned_model = model.from_config(config, custom_objects={"PaddedConv2D": PaddedConv2D})

    # Restore model weights
    variables_dict = { var for var in model.variables}
    apply_weights_to_model(aligned_model, variables_dict, False)
    return aligned_model

def _set_folded_weights(rescaling_layer, dst_layer, had_bias):
    """ Sets folded weights in the given layers.

        rescaling_layer (keras.layers.Layer): the Rescaling layer
        dst_layer (keras.layers.Layer): the layer where Rescaling is folded
        had_bias (bool): whether the original layer had a bias or not
    base_weights = dst_layer.get_weights()
    new_w = base_weights[0].copy()
    filters = new_w.shape[-1]

    scale = rescaling_layer.scale
    if isinstance(scale, (list, tuple)) and len(scale) > 1:
        # If scale is not a scalar, align it
        target_scale = np.mean(scale)
        rescaling_layer.scale = target_scale
        # To compensate, adjust the weights of the next layer
        for i in range(filters):
            # Rescale weights filter by filter to enable broadcast
            new_w[..., i] *= scale / target_scale
        if isinstance(dst_layer, PaddedConv2D):
            # Also rescale the padding value
            dst_layer._padding_value *= scale / target_scale
    new_weights = [new_w]

    if dst_layer.use_bias:
        # Build zero initialized biases if the original layer didn't have any
        new_biases = base_weights[1].copy() if had_bias else np.zeros(filters)
        for i in range(filters):
            # Rescale biases filter by filter to enable broadcast if offsets are per channel
            w_i = base_weights[0][..., i]
            new_biases[i] += np.sum(w_i * rescaling_layer.offset)
        new_weights += [new_biases]
        rescaling_layer.offset = 0


[docs]def align_rescaling(model): """Aligns the Rescaling layer of the model to make it quantization ready. This aligns the Rescaling scale to a single scalar, adjusting the weights of the next layer. This also folds the offset into the bias of next layer. The resulting Rescaling is therefore compatible with a quantization to a QuantizedRescaling. If the source model does not contain a Rescaling or if its Rescaling is already aligned, then the original model is returned. Args: model (keras.Model): the source Keras model Returns: keras.Model: the original model or a new model with Rescaling layer aligned """ # Check if the model has a Rescaling layer and return the original model if not rescaling_layer = get_layers_by_type(model, Rescaling) if not rescaling_layer: return model # Limit alignment to the first rescaling layer (a model should only have one) rescaling_layer = rescaling_layer[0] # Find folding target and check limitations dst_layer = _find_rescaling_fold_target(rescaling_layer) # If no folding target was found return the original model if dst_layer is None: return model # If there is a rescaling offset, it is folded in the dst_layer offset = rescaling_layer.offset if offset != 0: aligned_model = _fold_rescaling(model, offset, dst_layer) else: aligned_model = model # Set weights in the layers of the new model _set_folded_weights(aligned_model.get_layer(, aligned_model.get_layer(, dst_layer.use_bias) return aligned_model